I am a 2nd year PhD student at INRIA Paris (Sierra Project team, led by Francis Bach). I am working under the supervision of Umut Simsekli and Alain Durmus.
Before that, I obtained an MSc in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, and a BSc/MSc from Ecole Polytechnique. More information about professional and academic experiences can be found in my CV.
Join our reading group on diffusion models I am co-organising a discussion-based reading group on generative models, diffusion models and related topics in Inria Paris, taking place once every 2-3 weeks. If you would like to join just send me an e-mail.
- Here is a selection of relevant articles to inspire presentations and discussions
- Here is a schedule of upcoming sessions and potential topics.
Denoising Markov Probabilistic Models (DMPM)
Shariatian D., Pham L.T.N., Ocello A., Conforti G., Durmus A.O. (2025). Denoising Markov Probabilistic Models. ArXiv, abs/2502.07939.
Denoising Levy Probabilistic Models (DLPM)
Shariatian, D., Simsekli, U., & Durmus, A.O. (2025). Denoising Lévy Probabilistic Models. ICLR 2025
Piecewise Deterministic Generative Models
Bertazzi, A., Shariatian, D., Durmus, A.O., Simsekli, U., & Moulines, É. (2024). Piecewise deterministic generative models. NeurIPS 2024